Multiple Personalities — CAPTAIN CASUAL
Casual Things for Casual People. Art and Clothing Brand by Captain Casual


Multiple Personalities

Multiple Personalities


*Please Message for Pricing*

Size: 40x60x4inches framed

-Reclaimed in Miami

“”The “Reclaim the Street” series by Captain Casual is everything that modern street art attempts to be. Pulled straight from the wild, these layered beauties feature graffiti and torn down ad posters taken straight from the street. Nothing is truer to street art then the reclaiming of it directly from the boroughs and cities we are all familiar with… New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami. This prolific form of art gives new meaning to of one of a kind. Cherries plucked straight from their natural habitat and put into a palatable form so that true art collectors can enjoy and cherish these preserved time capsules for decades to come. Often displaying themes like love, struggle, and luxury; Captain Casual‘s newest series has become an early disruptor in the world of art.“”

Materials: Paper, Acrylic Paint, Aerosol Spray Paint, Glue, Oil Stick
